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uPVC window in basalt grey comparable to 7012 uPVC window interior in whiteuPVC window from the inside in whiteuPVC window in basalt grey comparable to RAL 7012 from the outsidealuplast IDEAL 4000 uPVC window profilealuplast IDEAL 4000 uPVC window corner detailaluplast IDEAL 4000 uPVC window detailed drawing
uPVC window in basalt grey comparable to 7012
uPVC window in basalt grey comparable to 7012
uPVC window interior in white
uPVC window interior in white
uPVC window from the inside in white
uPVC window from the inside in white
uPVC window in basalt grey comparable to RAL 7012 from the outside
uPVC window in basalt grey comparable to RAL 7012 from the outside
aluplast IDEAL 4000 uPVC window profile
aluplast IDEAL 4000 uPVC window profile
aluplast IDEAL 4000 uPVC window corner detail
aluplast IDEAL 4000 uPVC window corner detail
aluplast IDEAL 4000 uPVC window detailed drawing
aluplast IDEAL 4000 uPVC window detailed drawing

Dark Grey Windows

Available in a variety of shades

from 45from 45

incl. 19% VAT, free delivery**

  • Configurable with a range of glazings
  • Option to add different security fittings
  • Very good thermal insulation
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Estimated production time 5-8 weeks1

Our custom German dark grey windows are a smart addition for red brick exteriors and lighter cream interiors alike. With a range of tones available, they can complete the look of the house by matching well with doors, rooves, and other architectural elements. To discover more and design your product today, just read on or head to the configurator to select between quality glazings, handles, security fittings, and to view a price.

A Range of Professionally Applied Tones

At we coat window frames in colour finishes during manufacturing. Depending on the material, technical processes like high temperature foiling or powder-coating are used, for example, to achieve a quality look, lasting vibrance, and excellent UV resistance. Although their application is the same, the finishes differ by type:

RAL Colours

For window frames of all materials we offer RAL colours. These are defined by codes according to an international standardisation system.

In terms of popular options, for uPVC windows a basalt grey comparable to RAL 7012 is a classic choice, for example, or a slightly darker slate grey RAL 7015 matt.

When it comes to uPVC-alu or wood-alu windows and doors, a modern anthracite grey RAL 7017 is also in trend while for pure aluminium products, a graphite grey RAL 7024 can go particularly well with a variety of metallic doors. For wooden windows a particularly large palette, with further options like quartz grey RAL 7039, traffic grey 7043, grey blue 5008, are available.


Alongside RAL colours, we offer various decors.

With a metallic structure or wood-replica effect, these coatings are typically applied to aluminium or uPVC window surfaces.

To give the external metal cladding of uPVC-alu or wood-alu windows and doors a darker look and add a unique textured finish, an anthracite grey metallic structure DB 703 matt or an eta metallic matt decor can be applied, for example.


When it comes to our aluplast uPVC windows, particularly innovative decors are available.

An "aludec" coating like aludec umbra grey or aludec DB703 can be used, for instance. These decors are highly authentic and add such a metallic feel, texture, and premium look to a uPVC base that you would hardly be able to tell that the frame is not made from metal. The style of an aluminium window can therefore be enjoyed alongside the excellent thermal insulation and affordability that modern uPVC offers.

Versatile Options for the Interior & Exterior

At we provide bespoke product solutions that can be tailored to perfectly meet project requirements and client preferences. To achieve this, windows and doors with different material frames can be configured in various ways when it comes to the colour of their interior and exterior faces. 

For uPVC, for example, a matching dark grey finish can be applied to both sides of the product or can just be used on the outside, with the inside featuring a clean white. For uPVC-alu frames, depending on the desired tone, the interior and exterior can then also be designed to match or rather feature complementary or contrasting colours.

For our wooden and aluminium windows, on the other hand, the inside and outside faces always match, whereas with wood-alu the interior will show natural timber with a selected colour finish showing on the exterior.

To browse the full range of options, from anthracite grey to jet black or oyster white, just head to the configurator or contact us today with any questions.

Choose Your Window Type

At, our made-to-measure windows can come in a many different forms. A single panel casement window can be selected, for example, and double and triple element options are also available.

Featuring two or three sashes respectively, a double or triple variant can make particularly generous dimensions structurally possible. Customers can then also decide whether or not they want a separating mullion bar between certain sashes; panels that are not separated by a mullion can produce very uninterrupted and wide views out when sashes are swung fully open.

Beyond the number of sashes, customers can also choose whether to add upper or lower fanlight glass. Placed above or below the main window panel, these extra elements bring additional light into house interiors, add character, and can also be structurally useful for installing windows above kitchen sinks. The dimensions of these elements compared to the main window can also be determined as well as whether a single fanlight will run across multiple sashes or if there will rather be one element per sash.

Beyond additional panels and sashes, at we offer innovative German opening systems, insulation glazing, customisable security fittings, decorative glass finishes, glazing bars, and more. Just go to the configurator to check them out today or contact our expert in-house team with questions.

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