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How to remove a Sliding Door in six easy Steps

All doors eventually need to be repaired or replaced. Perhaps they do not function properly, are damaged or need to be replaced with a more advanced model. Fortunately, the removal of a sliding door is not a very difficult task and can be performed even by laypersons without having to rely on professionals. In order to remove a sliding door, you will only need this manual, a saw, a crowbar and a helping hand.


  • Covering sheet or working mat


  • Hand-held milling machine or electrical rip saw
  • Hammer, crowbar and pincers
  • Screwdriver
  • Ladder and tape measure or folding rule

1. Preparations

This manual only covers the removal of sliding door systems, but it can also be used as a basis for removing sash windows. In addition, the step of removing the doorframe is practically identical to the procedure used for other types of doors and windows.

Please be aware that, while it is easy to simply remove the leaf from a lift-and-slide door, the doorframe itself will need to be cut into several pieces during the removal process – This will damage it beyond all repair. It is therefore quite important to have the new sliding door ready to be installed directly after removing the old model. This will prevent heat loss, draught and a lack of security owing to having an unprotected opening in your wall.

It is important to cover the area surrounding the door with sheets or mats and to have the necessary tools ready before starting with the removal procedure. The mats do not only collect dirt or dust that may be caused during the procedure, but they will also help to avoid damage to tiles and walls. Re-measuring the reveal’s dimensions and comparing them to those of the new sliding door is also of great importance at this point.

Make sure to remove built-on roller shutters or the guiding rails of built-in roller shutters before you start to remove the sliding door.

2. How to remove a Sliding Door System

The removal of a lift-and-slide door does not require a lot of expert knowledge. You will, however, need strength, endurance and dexterity.

a) Hot to remove the Leaf of a lift-and-slide Door

Removing the leaf of a lift-and-slide door is a procedure which is not only necessary for the replacement of an entire sliding door system. It can also be useful for repairing the leaf independently from the frame itself. As sliding elements with large glass surfaces can be very heavy, it is strongly recommended to remove these elements in a group of at least four people.

You can use this manual as a guide for removing windows as well. This does not change much of the procedure, though it is not necessary to work in a larger group in this situation.

  • Remove all doorstops to ensure a smooth removal procedure (Fig. 2b).
  • Now remove the upper guiding rail from the frame (Fig. 2a).
  • Tilt the leaf in an inward direction, removing it from the upper guiding rail. If you plan on re-using the same leaf, place it on a soft surface away from the site. You might also want to cover it with sheets to protect it from grime (Fig. 2c).

b) Disassembling lift-and-slide Doors

The next step is the removal of the frame. This task requires strength and determination.

  • Cut the connections between the wall and the doorframe with a hand-held milling machine or an electrical rip saw. Be aware of the fact that the doorframe can also be connected with brackets in the lower sections of the frame (Fig. 3a und Fig. 3b).
  • Now you will need to cut into the frame itself a number of times, ideally in a V-shape each time. Cut twice into the left jamb and twice into the right one. Also cut the top of the frame once and the bottom once (Fig. 3c).
  • Use the crowbar to remove the individual pieces of the frame from the wall (Fig. 3d).

3. Space for new Doors

It only takes a few simple steps to successfully remove a sliding door to repair or replace it with a new door of your choice. If you are planning on having your doors removed by a professional you may want to reconsider – you can save a lot of money by simply doing it yourself.

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