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Picture Window

Perfect for framing beautiful views and creating a focal point that draws the eye, picture windows bring much to the design of a space. Available in a range of colours and customisable in terms of material, glazing bars, and more, they can be excellently tailored to suit individual needs. At functional performance can then also be relied on thanks to the many purpose-designed glazings, fittings, and opening options available.

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What is a Picture Window?

As implied by its name, a picture window frames views and sets a statement. With glazing applied to the frame and featuring no handle, the window is fixed and doesn't open. In general picture windows feature slim frames and are installed without glazing bars to create a sleek look and contemporary cinematic effect.

The Advantages of Picture Windows

Deciding what type of windows to purchase will depend on design preferences and functional requirements. To assist customers with gaining an insight into whether picture windows are the right fit, we have compiled an overview of the key benefits:

  • Usually come with sleek slim frames for modern design
  • Ideal for framing large views out without obstruction
  • Bring in plentiful supply of natural light
  • Available in a range of sizes, shapes, and colours
  • Particularly energy-efficient and secure
  • Tend to be cheaper than openable casement windows

In general, we recommend picture windows for customers who are focused on bringing the outside in, creating a beautiful view, and who don't need additional ventilation.

Picture windows can work well, for example, when there are already other openable windows or air supply systems in place and for when emergency exits have been accounted for.

In terms of cost, when compared to an openable window of the same size and similar configuration, picture windows tend to be more affordable as the opening mechanism and its fittings are not needed.

A Variety of Shapes and Sizes

From large, full-width floor to ceiling window-like walls to smaller landscape frames, picture windows can be designed to suit different rooms.

As with our doors, at customers can input their desired window height and width dimensions into the minimum and maximum size ranges of our user-friendly online configurator and use the "how to measure windows" guide to ensure an accurate fit.

A smaller, wide picture window can be ideal in kitchens, for example. Working in a similar way to a clerestory window, it can bring natural light into the room above a sink, for example, without taking away from too much storage space. A maximum sized large model, on the other hand, is then well-suited for one side of a living room, creating a strikingly open view out

In our configurator, there is also a wide choice of different shapes. Ideal for fixed windows, a circular porthole option is often popular in bathrooms, for example, whereas a triangular or trapezoid model can work well for unique projects, treehouses, and corners.

Options for the Frame and Style

In addition to their shape and size, picture windows, like doors, can feature frames made from different materials. This will affect their final look and performance. At , for example, picture windows can have frames made from uPVC, wood, aluminium, uPVC-alu, or wood-alu.

uPVC Windows

uPVC windows
from € 34 from € 34
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uPVC-Alu Windows

uPVC-aluminium windows
from € 105 from € 105
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Wood Windows

Wood windows
from € 122 from € 122
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Wood-Alu Windows

Wood-Aluminium Windows
from € 162 from € 162
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Alu Windows

Aluminium windows
from € 118 from € 118
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  • In terms of uPVC, this is a modern insulating material that provides picture windows with enhanced energy efficiency thanks to internal air-filled chambers. Picture windows made from uPVC are then also particularly low-maintenance and easy to clean due to their naturally sleek surfaces.
  • For customers after more traditional charm, however, wood may be a better option thanks to its beautiful grain patterns and unique textures. The natural material then also brings an inherent sturdiness.
  • Metal options, such as aluminium frames or externally clad uPVC-alu or wood-alu, on the other hand, impress with weather-resistant durability and impact resistance.

Colour Finishes

Once the material for the picture window has been selected, further design can then be determined. In our online configurator, a wide range of colour and decor surfaces finishes are available, for example.

Options differ depending on the material & all finishes are professionally applied during manufacturing.

Aluminium or clad uPVC-alu or wood-alu window exteriors are anodised and powder coated, for example, which ensures good UV resistance and long lasting vibrance.

uPVC models, on the hand, are coated using a high temperature foiling process and innovative authentic timber or metal decors, such as Aluplast's woodec or aludec, are available.

Enhancing Glazing and Security

Although fixed picture windows tend to be more insulating and secure than openable models, which feature more fittings that can be broken into or gaps through which heat may escape, they can still be enhanced.

As picture windows are often large, their glazing can still be vulnerable and attractive to intruders, for instance, while the generous surface should also be well-protected from energy loss.

To boost impact resistance and insulation, double or triple glazing should therefore be used, ideally featuring inert argon gas as a filler. This increases the thickness of the glass and reduces conduction.

Invisible laminated PVB foil interlayers can then also be used within the glass to improve strength and prevent it from breaking into sharp shards under very high force.

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